Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just a few pics...

Can I just say that I am a genious? I mean...anyone can get a sunburn, but only Rachel Runyan can burn a permanent stripe on her stomach by falling asleep on a beach with a shirt on!C


Ashley said...

Hey Rachey!!! Let's see if this comment thingy works... welcome to the world of blogging! I'm so glad you joined us so i can keep up with your crazy life! It's fun to see pictures of you... that sunburn looks awful! Yikes!

Brittany said... look gorgeous! That sunburn looks painful. Hope that it does not hurt too much!

Rachel said...

That sunburn was from this summer...but I still have a pretty dark tan line from it!

Lindsay said...

ha this cracks me up rachel, that looks so painful!! I am so sorry, but that does make me laugh